My take for those that don’t understand the beauty of Disney

You may have heard in the news of a mom’s angry rant that childless adults should not be allowed at Disney World. To sum it up, basically she was having a bad day, and likely the heat, crowds and dealing with her own child was all getting to her. There may be more to it… but that’s irrelevant. What I want to address here is that Disney World is not just for kids – and yes, it can be overwhelming.
I’ve seen many comments online over the years… as well as from people I’ve known and spoken with, that also share some of that same feeling. They don’t get why an adult without kids would be going to Disney World.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thoughts, and for me, I find it absurd when anyone says Disney World is just for kids. Maybe these people have never been to Disney World and believe it’s just a theme park.
I’ll admit, when our boys were younger and we started making the annual family vacations to Orlando… we often… well ok, always… came home feeling like we needed a vacation from the vacation. After all, there was so much to see and do in a crammed week of running around with very little down time.
As our kids got into their teens, we started seeing our Disney World vacations a little differently. We slowed down, enjoyed the resorts more and relaxed while taking it all in at a slower pace. You begin to see this Disney destination in a little different light – one that shows the beauty of it in another way.
There are so many people of ALL ages that enjoy Disney World because there is so much it has to offer… EVERYONE.

Walt Disney was a man who believed that imagination and creativity has no age limit, and once said, “You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.”
It always surprises me with the number of people don’t realize, there’s a lot more at Disney World than just the Magic Kingdom. Many things are geared toward adults – such as food & wine and cultural festivals, honeymoon packages, spas, upscale dining, golf courses and water sports – just to name a few. The resorts also offer childcare for parents who want to spend quality time together. In fact, there are even many people who vacation at Disney World single!
Don’t forget the countless exceptional dining choices. You won’t find just your typical “theme park” food at Disney World. I’ve been coming here for many years and still have not been to half of the wide array of top rated dining establishments on Disney property.
So for those that still say Disney World is just for kids and don’t get why an adult would want to vacation there… that’s just it… they really don’t get it, and that’s a shame. To those that have been there with their young kids and feel somewhat overwhelmed, I say… take a deep breath and know that you’re not alone. Don’t try to cram too much into your vacation time. Be sure to enjoy at least one day just relaxing by the pool at your resort. Your kids and sanity may be thankful.
Just know, no matter what your age – with or without kids – Disney World was and is created for all to enjoy.